John A. Dinglasa

Dinglasa is largely a self-taught painter, practicing his art with patience and quiet dedication. His soft-spoken nature has helped him develop friendships with the senior artists in Cebu who have motivated him to explore opportunities that greatly contributed to his artistic development.
Though exposed to the conservative vein of painting, Dinglasa paints with his heart as he interprets the scenic beauty of his community. Concerned not so much with the minute details as with the transient feelings his subjects evoke in him, he heaps on warm or cool colors working with bold brush strokes.
Dinglasa is more at ease with oils, but with his willingness to experiment and explore different media and techniques, he has produced quite a number of works in acrylic, watercolor and pen and ink.
He is an active member of Cebu Artists, Incorporated and has participated in all its exhibitions in Manila and Cebu.